EPIZODA č. 15 (189)
Námět: Damian Kindler a Robert C. Cooper
Scénář: Damian Kindler
Režie: Ken Girotti

Premiéra: 3. 2. 2006
Česká premiéra:

Postavy: podplukovník Cameron Mitchell (Ben Browder), dr. Daniel Jackson (Michael Shanks), podplukovník Samantha Carterová (Amanda Tapping), Teal’c (Christopher Judge), prezident Nadal (John Aylward), velitel [commander] Pernaux (Ernie Hudson), Jarrod Kane (Matthew Bennett), ministryně Chaska (Desiree Zurowski), plukovník Lionel Pendergast (Barclay Hope), seržant Walter Harriman [Davis] (Gary Jones), kapitán Marks (Martin Christopher), poručík Womacková (Chelah Horsdal ), caledonský poradce (Peter Shinkoda), randský technik (Sage Brocklebank)

Obsah epizody: zatím není k dispozici
Přepis epizody v originále: najdete na stránkách Gatenoise
České titulky (TV ripy): najdete na stránkách Stargate Subtitles Site
Fakta a zajímavosti: zatím není k dispozici

Oblíbené citáty:
Mitchell: "General O'Neill probably said it best: the minute we step through the gate we're sticking our collective noses where they don't belong."

Mitchell: (on radio) "Blue Squadron, this is Blue Leader. Break off the attack and scramble formation between the Prometheus and the weapon." (to Teal'c) "Maybe one of us will get lucky and take a proportion of the next shot."
Teal'c: "I would not consider that lucky, Colonel Mitchell."
Mitchell: "Well, it could be for anybody aboard Prometheus."

Kane: "Do you ever give up?"
Jackson: "Not until I'm dead. And sometimes not even then."

Carter: "I'm here with Minister Chaska of the Caledonian Federation. We'd like to know what Rand is offering."
Jackson: "In return for leaving the satellite intact, Rand is offering Caledonia the Stargate."

Pernaux: (weakly) "Shut down the satellite."
Jackson: "He's dead."
Kane: "You heard him, the President is dead. Commander Perneaux is next in charge."
Rand technician: "He's also the one who killed the President!"
Kane: "The President violated an international treaty. You wanna be the one responsible for destroying a city full of people when this goes to tribunal? Shut it down, now!"

Jackson: "So, I take it then you haven't heard."
Mitchell: "Heard what?"
Jackson: "Soon after we left, the talks broke down."
Mitchell: "And?"
Jackson: "And we've been unable to make contact with them. General Landry had the Daedalus re-route on its way back from Atlantis. It seems the Caledonian's weren't content to just leave their fair planet." Mitchell: "They launched an attack."
Jackson: "And Rand responded. The Stargate is presumed buried in the rubble..."

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