EPIZODA č. 18 (192)
Scénář: Alan McCullough
Režie: Peter DeLuise

Premiéra: 24. 2. 2006
Česká premiéra:

Postavy: podplukovník Cameron Mitchell (Ben Browder), dr. Daniel Jackson (Michael Shanks), podplukovník Samantha Carterová (Amanda Tapping), Teal’c (Christopher Judge), generálmajor Hank Landry (Beau Bridges), seržant Walter Harriman [Davis] (Gary Jones), Volnek (Jarvis George), major Hadden (Doug Wert), dr. Lee (Bill Dow), plukovník Reynolds (Eric Breker), lord Haikon (Tony Todd), technik (Andrew McNee), Conway (Darren Giblin)

Obsah epizody: zatím není k dispozici
Přepis epizody v originále: najdete na stránkách Gatenoise
České titulky (TV ripy): najdete na stránkách Stargate Subtitles Site
Fakta a zajímavosti: zatím není k dispozici

Oblíbené citáty:
Mitchell: "Why am I getting that "Patrick Swayze in Ghost" feeling?"

Mitchell: "Roast beef. The one time I can't eat, and they serve roast beef." (shouting to kitchen worker) "Do you know how many times I've requested roast beef?!" (to Carter) "This is torture."
Carter: "It's only been a few hours."
Mitchell: "You're not the least bit concerned about this? No one can see us or hear us. We can't touch anything, ergo no eating, no drinking, and I'm not going to speculate on the other bodily functions. If they don't figure out a way to get us back…"
Carter: "They'll figure it out."

Landry: "What have you got, doctor?"
Lee: "Well, we know that Sam was working on the device. We know the device does not give off any typical energy signatures emitted by Ancient transporter technology. This leads us to the conclusion that they disappeared without leaving the room."
Landry: "How is that possible?"
Lee: "Miniaturization." (Landry and Jackson exchange surprised looks) "Don't panic. I have calculated the distance they could possibly travel on tiny legs designated by this roped off area. All we have to do is find them. Ronald, start with section 1-A." (Daniel bites his lip and drops his head, and Landry looks over in disbelief)

Carter: "Daniel? Merlin needed to conceal his research from…?"
Jackson: "His fellow ascended beings."
Carter: "But if he was ascended, he must have retaken human form to perform his research. I... I don't get it. What research could have been so important that it would have led him to give up his ascension?"
Jackson: "A weapon. A weapon capable of destroying ascended beings."

Mitchell: "You know, there's a fine line between crazy-brave and crazy-crazy, my friend, and you are walking it. You realize he took out an entire Sodan village? ... You know, the last thing I need is for you to get yourself killed. Do you realize how long it'll take me to find a replacement?"
Teal'c: (calmly) "You worry far too much, Colonel Mitchell."
Mitchell: "Wha—?! You can hear me now?"
Teal'c: (stoic) "And see you."
Mitchell: "You're not surprised?"

Mitchell: "Volnek! Where are you, homeboy? Come on out and show me some of those monster moves!"

Lee: "Okay, I'm going to try to make an adjustment to the algorithm. It's a bit of a long shot..."
Landry: "You better be sure about this, doctor, because if you make me disappear, there won't be a dimension safe enough for you."

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