EPIZODA č. 15 (55)
Námět: Don Whitehead a Holly Henderson
Scénář: Carl Binder
Režie: William Waring

Premiéra: 18. 12. 2006 (Kanada, Movie Central), 11. 5. 2007 (USA, Sci-fi Channel)
Česká premiéra: 08. 06. 2009

Postavy: dr. Elizabeth Weirová (Torri Higginson), podplukovník John Sheppard (Joe Flanigan), dr. Rodney McKay (David Hewlett), Teyla Emmagan (Rachel Luttrell), Ronon Dex (Jason Momoa), dr. Radek Zelenka (David Nykl), Nola (Laura Harris)

Obsah epizody: zatím není k dispozici
Přepis epizody v originále: najdete na stránkách Gatenoise
České titulky: najdete na stránkách Stargate Subtitles Site
Fakta a zajímavosti: zatím není k dispozici

Oblíbené citáty:
Nola: "Please forgive my nervousness. I never thought you'd appear to us in the flesh."
Teyla: "Why do you refer to him as the Oracle?"
Nola: "The Oracle is a wise and omnipotent deity."
Sheppard (to Ronon): "Boy, she's in for a rude awakening."

Nola: "Our lives are just a game."
Sheppard: "Well, now, no. They're not games to you and, in our defence, we were trying to improve your lives."
McKay: "It's like he said: everything we did, every instruction we gave was to better conditions for your people."
Sheppard: "And if that meant cheating..."
McKay: "Ok, you know, enough with that already!"

Nola: "The Oracle was a god to us. I believed in his teachings, so much so that my people elected me leader because of my passion for scientific advancement."
McKay: "Well, they obviously made the right choice."
Nola: "Now I must resolve myself to the fact that the Oracle is only a man."
McKay: "Yeah. Sorry about that. It's like I said, though I did what I did with the best of intentions."
Nola: "To win a game."

Weir: "Ok. Why don't we start by going back a few years, to the time when your two peoples lived in peace?"
Nola: "We were naive back then – ignorant to our potential. Once we began to challenge ourselves intellectually, we began to see how the people of Hallona had been abusing thousands of years of kindness from us."
Baden: "I've done everything I could to achieve peace with you."
Nola: "Really?! Such as?"
Baden: "I sent gifts of goodwill."
Nola: "You sent crates of citrus fruit! Citrus! Do you have any idea what an insult that is to my people?!"
Baden: "It didn't used to be."
Weir: "Ok, see, I think I know where that comes from. Did M... the Oracle tell you that citrus fruit was bad?"
Nola: "He made us aware of its toxic properties, yes."
Baden: "Everything is toxic to you!" (to Elizabeth) "If they're not busy insulting us, they're complaining about contaminated food, improper hygiene. Even the sunlight is dangerous to them!"
Nola: "The only insult has been your unwillingness to compromise in any trade negotiation. Instead, you choose to increase the size of your army."
Baden: "You built an army too!"
Nola: "Only in response to your aggression."
Baden: "My aggression? You dig a mine beneath our border to steal our coal and you have the nerve to talk about aggression!"
Nola: "We're not stealing your coal."
Baden: "You crossed into our land!"
Nola: "What do you need it for anyway? It's not like you know the first thing about what to do with it."
Baden (to Elizabeth): "You see how she insults us?"
Nola: "By stating a fact."
Weir: "Please. If we can discuss this reasonably, I am sure we can come to some sort of..."
Nola (interrupting): "We've tried. They agree to nothing. And until doctor McKay is brought into this discussion, I have nothing further to say."
Weir: "That went well..."

McKay: "Ok, listen to me. For two years now I have been the Oracle to your people. I have given you much wisdom and guidance and bestowed much of my knowledge. Look, it's like you said: I was a god.
Dex (warningly): "Easy."
McKay: "And yes, yes, I may just be a man, but that wisdom still remains. And now, more than ever, you need to heed my guidance and call back those ships."
Nola: "You told me it was time to start thinking on my own."
McKay (nervously): "Right."
Nola: "So now I am. My people are looking to me. This is my decision. And we will be victorious."

McKay: "Yeah, don't worry. We're gonna stick to chess from now on."
Sheppard (making a move on the board): "As long as Rodney doesn't cheat."
McKay: "Oh, please, like I need to cheat playing you?"
Weir: "Ok, I'll leave you to it, then." (She walks away.)
McKay (He makes a move on the board.): "Ha!"
Sheppard (He makes a move and takes one of Rodney's pieces.): "Ha, checkmate!"
McKay: "What?! Oh, no-no-no-no-no. What happened there?"
Sheppard: "What happened there is I just kicked your ass."
McKay: "No, no, I was distracted. She was, uh... Ok, we're going again. Best of ten."

Vera: 4/5
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