EPIZODA č. 8 (202)
Scénář: Joseph Mallozzi a Paul Mullie
Režie: Peter DeLuise

Premiéra: 8. 9. 2006
Česká premiéra:

Postavy: podplukovník Cameron Mitchell (Ben Browder), dr. Daniel Jackson (Michael Shanks), podplukovník Samantha Carterová (Amanda Tapping), Teal’c (Christopher Judge), Vala Mal Doran (Claudia Black), generálmajor Hank Landry (Beau Bridges), Athena/Charlotte Mayfield (Sonya Salomaa), Sal (Don Stark), detektiv Ryan (Adrian Holmes), Weaver (Brendan Beiser), seržant Walter Harriman (Gary Jones), Devon (Peter Benson), falešná Carterová (Patricia Harras), Walter (Brian Davies), muž #1 (Phillip Mitchell), servírka (Heather Christie), řidič (Sean Owen Roberts)

Obsah epizody: zatím není k dispozici
Přepis epizody v originále: najdete na stránkách Gatenoise
České titulky: najdete na stránkách Stargate Subtitles Site
Fakta a zajímavosti: zatím není k dispozici

Oblíbené citáty:
Vala: "Well, I don't mind telling you, I've been looking forward to this little date all week."
Jackson: "I wouldn't exactly call it a 'date'. It's..."
Vala: "Oh, I've watched enough of your television to know what a date is, Daniel. It's a romantic event typified by dinner, movie and/or karaoke and, usually, culminating in a night of…"
Jackson: "O-okay, this is… this is definitely not a date. It's, it's two friends and coworkers out for dinner."

Weaver: "How're you feeling?"
Vala: "A little dizzy. A little tired. And very, very angry."
Weaver: "Oh, that's because the flashbacks you're experiencing are dredging up some long-buried emotions that may be coloring your conscious mind."
Vala: "I'm gonna kill both of you in the most painful way possible."

Weaver: "You know what I think the problem is?"
Vala: "That I can't strangle you?"

Sal: "So, how was lunch?"
Vala: "Delicious."
Sal: "Delicious enough to… pay for?"
Vala: "Yes. If I had the money, I would certainly have paid for that meal and given the lovely waitress a sizable gratuity. The service was impeccable."
Sal: "Look, lady, everybody's got problems. I got rent on this place, a mortgage, a wife, three kids, and a shih tzu with a recurring gastrointestinal condition that requires a very specialized diet. Alright?"
Vala: "Okay. I'm sorry for trying to cheat you."
Sal: "O-okay, alright, look. If I let you leave, can I trust you to come back with the money you owe me?"
Vala: "No."
Sal: "No? What d'you mean 'no'? You tellin' me you can't be trusted?"
Vala: "Truthfully? I don't know. I... I don't remember. I have no idea who I am, much less what I am capable of. All I know for certain is that, about an hour ago I was lost, hungry and drawn to the delightful aroma of the blue plate special."
Sal: "Is this a joke?"
Vala: "I have absolutely no memory of my life prior to wandering in here."

Vala: "Hm. Okay. So, we're space explorers?"
Mitchell: "Well, technically, me and my team are the explorers. You're just… along for the ride, because… Well, you're not originally from this planet, you're an alien. And I mean that in the nicest possible way! Y'know, when you say 'alien', people think green skin, four eyes, tentacles, what have you, but the... the reality is very, very different."

Mitchell: "Okay, I think I've figured out what happened to you, why you don't remember anything."
Vala: "Oh, good. Does it involve an alien abduction?"
Mitchell: "Well, in as much as that you're an alien who was abducted, yes."

Vala: "Disodium guanylate. That would make a great alien name, don't you think?"

Věra: 3/5
Epizoda zaměřená na Valu. Vala se oficiálně stává členkou SG-1.

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